Miss fewer deals with predictive signals
M&A Score and Deal-Maker Score act as leading indicators of a company exploring a sale of business. They’re created by monitoring what employees of companies are researching on 10,000+ business, news, legal and finance websites (including Forbes, WSJ, Investopedia, Divestopedia and many more).
We analyze 2B+ article reads per day and can alert you when targets are researching articles related to the M&A process and/or when sponsors/advisors are researching target company names.
Proven results
The M&A Score and Deal-Maker Score are produced monthly for 1M+ companies in the US with the focus on the middle market.
We have 100s of examples of the data being predictive of middle-market acquisitions where we picked up research activity on topics like sale of business, M&A process, private equity, investment bank, M&A law firm and/or specific company names 3 – 15 months in advance.
Data access + Integrations
In addition to the deal sourcing platform, you can access our signals via:
- Fintent’s API
- GCP/S3/Snowflake
- integrations with Salesforce, Hubspot, Dealcloud or Affinity
Istation, CenSea and Paramount Building Solutions acquisition prediction examples
Istation, CenSea and Paramountacquisition prediction examples Behavioral data + AI to predict acquisitions Fintent specializes in producing financial intent: an understanding of what mgmt teams
207 examples of M&A predictions from H1, 2024
207 M&A Prediction Examples (from H1, 2024) M&A Score and Deal-Maker Score are proven predictors of a company exploring a sale of business. A high
M&A Score Backtest Whitepaper
M&A Score Backtest Whitepaper M&A Score acts as a leading indicator of a company exploring a sale of business. It’s created by analyzing financial intent
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